Why Should You Opt for Personal Loan for House Renovation 1

Why Should You Opt for Personal Loan for House Renovation

During the festive season, many people look towards revamping their homes by renovating them completely. No disagreement that remodeling one’s home is rather expensive regarding annual expenses. Home renovation is quite a hefty investment, from getting a repainting job to replacing the drainage pipes. If you are already aware of this and have prepared your finances adequately, you’re likely not to dip into your finances too much. If not, you’re in luck. Personal loans make for a great way to finance a home renovation. Here’s why you should consider taking a personal loan to renovate your home.

Welcome Mat: Renovation booming in 2022

1. Lowered interest rates

Personal loan interest rates can go as low as 11% today. This makes them attractive to those wishing to finance big-budget projects like home renovation. A low-interest personal loan can help you cope with paying back the funds you have borrowed. Keeping individual loan interest rates as low and budget-friendly as possible is recommended. Hence, it is essential to compare different options available in the market before making your decision.

2. Unsecured loans, meaning no collateral

Personal loan eligibility is often hassle-free if one boasts a good credit history. Another reason personal loans are a great way to finance a home renovation because they are unsecured. Unsecured loans do not require that one put up any asset as collateral. An investment like your home could be taken away from you if you default on the payment of a secure loan. With unsecured loans, this issue ceases to exist. Personal loan interest rates are higher because they do not take up this collateral. Hence, personal loans are less risky when defaulting on one’s payments.

3. Flexible repayment tenures

With the right lender, you also get flexible loan repayment tenures. This makes your payments structured to the time horizon that befits your financial needs. You can customize your repayment EMI structure to what is most convenient for you. This makes your loan repayments a lot more flexible.

4. Quick loan disbursal

Finally, one last aspect worth considering is how much you can borrow and how it will be disbursed. Lenders allow you as high as ₹25 lakhs that can be borrowed as a single personal loan. You can also expect quick disbursal of any loan amount you borrow with the right lender, provided you meet the personal loan eligibility criteria. You may tackle certain uncertain expenses when renovating your home, like unexpected leaks that require immediate fixing. Hence, a lump sum personal loan amount that is quickly dispersed comes in handy during this time.


House renovation can be a hit to one’s budget, but with attractive personal loans from quality lenders, one can opt to renovate one’s house without an immediate strain on the budget. Yet, compare the various offerings in the market before deciding to borrow, as choosing the right option can have huge long-term benefits.


I am a writer, financial consultant, husband, father, and avid surfer. I am also a long-time entrepreneur, investor, and trader. For almost two decades, I have worked in the financial sector, and now I focus on making money through investing in stock trading.