Leveraging Technology for Organisational Excellence 1

Leveraging Technology for Organisational Excellence

Technology & Leverage one for the opposite: “Technology and H.R. are enablers of the enterprise. The integration of the two could imply no longer the best harmonious co-existence; however, it could also leverage one of the alternatives. Leveraging the era for H.R. might suggest digitizing the mundane H.R. sports and automating the back office and transactional sports related to recruitment, overall performance management, professional planning, succession-making plans, schooling, and information control. Leveraging H.R. for this era implies coping with alternates related to technology through action hiring, retraining, stakeholder evaluation, and awareness retention. Thus, they could play complementary roles.”

Technology and H.R. each have one in common issue, i.e., each is an enabler of commercial enterprise.

In recent times, technology has become synonymous with the information era, as hardly any other technological improvement in the past could have impacted all spectrums of business as records generation has been impacted. Irrespective of the type of business you’re in, i.e., offerings or items, commodity or branded, trading or manufacturing, contemporary or traditional deployment of statistics era in one form or the opposite is a foregone end. To manage and set up the generation of enterprise Organizations’ information workers. Managing that information among employees is the duty of H.R. characteristic. Hence, the combination of era and H.R. is an absolute have-to.

Having understood technology and HR in the present context, we must comprehend integration. Integration would no longer suggest harmonious co-present; however, it might additionally mean one improving and complementing the other. Generation is used to beautify the effectiveness of HR and H.R. features, which enables adopting and dealing with the change that technology deployment brings.

Leveraging era for HR

HR control is a feature responsible for deliverables like business strategy execution, administrative performance, employee contribution, and capability for exchange. All those are executed through what H.R. human beings do, i.e., staffing, development, reimbursement, benefits, speak corporation design, high-appearing groups, etc. In the majority of those areas, era is being deployed.


Recruitment is one vicinity where all organizations worth their call leverage I.T. two exceptional models of e-recruitment are in vogue. One is recruitment through the organization’s sites, and the opposite is web hosting your requirement on alternative websites, e.g., monster.Com, jobsdb.Com, jobsahead.Com, naukri.com, and jobstreet.Com, and so forth. The first fashions are more famous with the bigger groups with a logo pull for capability employees, e.g., G.E., IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, HCL, ICICI, Reliance, Mindtree consulting, etc. Other corporations opt to go to job websites. Some are adopting each.

E-recruitment has long gone an extended way because of its beginning. Now, those sites have gone worldwide. Sites like jobsahead.Com and monster.Com have set up the global community, encompassing separate sites for jobs in Australia, Denmark, Belgium, Canada, etc. Job seekers can search through the area or the United States, and employers target capacity personnel in precise international locations. For example, Three Com published a corporation profile on the Ireland website highlighting the contributions of Three com’s Irish layout team to its worldwide tasks.

In the early days, e-recruitment became plagued with flooding employers with low-quality bio-records. Again, the era has come as a savior. Now, pre-employment checking out, like the one delivered by Capital One, a US-based monetary business enterprise, assists in filtering the candidates. These tools test online, e.g., applicants for name facilities. ‘Profile International’, a Texas-based total issuer of employment checks, has evolved tools that allow immediate translation of evaluation assessments between languages. Further tendencies like video-convention specialized websites, online executives recruitments, and mixing online and offline strategies are leading to an increasing number of companies adopting e-recruitment at the least as a secondary recruitment approach. Arena Knights Bridge, a U.S. primarily based I.T. agency, conducts video-based total interviews of its prospective personnel, and the most effective shortlisted personnel are met in men or women. Even Cisco changed to release the identical.

Employee Self Service

Employee self-provider is perhaps one application of I.T., which has relieved H.R. of most mundane responsibilities and helped improve worker pride. Employee self-offerings is a plethora of small activities, which had been accomplished through workers via the management wing of H.R. These are travel bookings, tour regulations data, travel bills, leave regulations, go away management, perk management, and many others. Earlier, most of these guidelines and facts had been within the custody of H.R. Every consumer employee changed into anticipated to reach out to H.R. and get it finished. With the deployment of ESS in a maximum of organizations, the worker can request journey-related reserving online, fill out their T.E. Payments, observe for leave, log time sheet, his perks fee allotted and due, and many others. For example, in Ballarpur Industries Ltd., leave management is completely digitized in its corporate office. It operates closer to digitizing journey-associated activities, perks or compensation control, and overall performance control administration. ‘Digitize or outsource all the mundane and ordinary attention only on center and price upload’ – Vineet Chhabra V.P. -PDC BILT.


Communication, the most mentioned management tool, has always been a grey region in H.R. control. In big agencies with extensive geographical spread, speaking with all employees undoubtedly posed an ambitious assignment to H.R. professionals. Technology has once more come to the rescue. Starting with phones, faxes, and e-mails and maturing into video conferencing, internet cast, net forged, and many others. Verbal exchange is one H.R. region that has greatly benefited via era. Mouse & click agencies like Oracle and IBM have an intranet that caters to most of the information desires of its personnel. Brick & Morter organizations like BILT additionally have made a foray into deploying an intranet for inner conversation, which has a corporate word board, media insurance, and expertise corners.

Knowledge Management

Another area of H.R., which is leveraging technology, is employee improvement. Programmed mastering (P.L.) i.E. Learning at its very own tempo is one of the most effective ways of personalized learning. The use of era for this cause can’t be overemphasized. Aptech Online University and ‘The Manage Mentor’ are some Indian websites that can be used used in this commercial ‘enterprise’s know-how management, which is an imperative part of any getting-to-know enterprise and can not end up a truth without era. Companies can harness the information of their employees through cataloging and website hosting on the intranet. Talk to ‘Big-5’ or not ‘so large’ consulting companies, and you will discover that the information repository is an essential part of their business. Technology has enabled them to retrieve it hastily. Technology-driven knowledge management continuously provides strategic gains in competitive surroundings where speed is the call of recreation.


I am a writer, financial consultant, husband, father, and avid surfer. I am also a long-time entrepreneur, investor, and trader. For almost two decades, I have worked in the financial sector, and now I focus on making money through investing in stock trading.