Do It Yourself Limited Liability Company Formation 1

Do It Yourself Limited Liability Company Formation

Starting a restrained legal responsibility business enterprise within the UK calls for submitting Company House forms 10 and 12, plus a memorandum and articles of affiliation to finish the corporation formation and registration.

Companies House Form 10

First, administrators and secretaries and meant state of affairs of the registered workplace.

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Company formation Form 10 records the info of the primary director(s), business enterprise secretary, and the proposed registered address of the limited legal responsibility business enterprise. Details required consist of the officers’ names and addresses, in recognition of directors, the date of delivery, profession, and info of other directorships held in the ultimate five years.

Before filing the registration bureaucracy, go to the Companies House website and perform a call check to ensure the name is suitable and available. Words like present agencies are mistaken, as are any names likely to the motif offense. On form ten, input the proposed restricted legal responsibility company name, including Limited as the final word and the proposed registered office.

An organization’s registered office is where the Companies House can ship letters to the confined liability corporation after the organization’s formation. Enter the names and addresses of the Company Secretary and the Directors in alphabetical order. Companies House rejects registrations with invalid addresses. It is usually recommended that everyone’s addresses and postcodes be double-checked before submission at the Royal Mail website. That’s a test Companies House will also carry out.

Form 10 should be signed and dated by every officer and every subscriber to the Memorandum of Association or by an agent on behalf of all the subscribers.

Companies House Form 12

Declaration on utility for registration

Company formation Form 12 is a statutory assertion that all legal requirements regarding the company’s incorporation have been complied with. It can be signed by a solicitor engaged in the company’s formation or someone named as the director or secretary on Form 10 beneath section 10 of the Companies Act 1985.

The Declarant signature on shape 12 must be signed in front of and shown by a Commissioner for Oaths, Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, or Solicitor. The date and signing of Form 12 should be after all other documents are signed and dated, as Form 12 is a legal announcement that the submitted details are real. The form has to surely show if someone has signed on behalf of a corporate director. If it seems that the individual who signed is not a director, this can reason put off.


I am a writer, financial consultant, husband, father, and avid surfer. I am also a long-time entrepreneur, investor, and trader. For almost two decades, I have worked in the financial sector, and now I focus on making money through investing in stock trading.